This book is about premonitions and how people react to them. It’s divided into five parts which are: (1) The Cases (2) Evidence (3) Why, What, How? (4) Why Should We Want To Cultivate Premonitions, And How Do We Do It? (5) Premonitions And Our Worldview.
I liked the fact that the author started out with cases as this caught my attention from the beginning. The overall message of the book I took away with me was that if you want to be prone to premonitions you should have an open mind and be comfortable with the idea that this can really happen. Many people in the book were quick to point out that they, in fact, did not feel comfortable telling people of their premonitions for fear of being ridiculed.
One question that many people, myself included, wanted answered was the question about money. If it's true that we can see into the future, is there a way we can "fix" the future to win the know the "magic" numbers and become rich? Wow! That would be great! The funny thing is that it doesn't work that way. Somehow, when there is an overwhelming sense of greed, the numbers don't work out in our favor. You'll have to read the book to know what I'm talking about.
This book was not only able to hold my attention, it also got me interested in exploring physics…I think I’ll be paying more attention to my dreams too.
10 Things You Need to Know About Premonitions By Larry Dossey, M.D.,
Author of The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives
1. Premonitions are extremely common. They probably arose early in our evolutionary history because they provided our ancestors with a greater likelihood of survival and procreation. They were thus likely to have been incorporated into their genes and passed down through succeeding generations. As a result, we now appear to be hardwired for premonitions. They have become our birthright, part of our original equipment.
2. Premonition means literally "a forewarning," indicating that they often announce upcoming events that are unpleasant e.g., a health crisis or a natural disaster. This is not absolute, however; premonitions may also foretell pleasing events such as a job promotion, the location of a parking spot, or even winning lottery numbers.
3. Premonitions can be realistic or symbolic. They occur commonly during dreams, but also during full, waking awareness.
4. Five rules of thumb aid us in knowing which premonitions to take seriously: (1) if the premonition warns of a health crisis or death; (2) if the premonition is numinous, highly vivid, or "realer than real"; (3) if a dream is recurrent, appearing often in the same night or in succeeding nights, as if clamoring for attention; (4) if the premonition is associated with physical symptoms; or (5) if the premonition is experienced independently by a spouse, partner, lover, or close friend.
5. There are four categories of scientific evidence for premonitions: (1) presentiment experiments, in which the body responds to a future event prior to one's conscious awareness of it; (2) precognitive remote viewing tests, in which a distant individual "gets" information from a sender up to a week before it is mentally sent; (3) online tests of precognitive functioning, and (4) global consciousness effects that are detected by random event generators stationed around the earth, which often react prior to the occurrence of a subsequent happening.
6. Premonitions alert us to impending problems and crises of those we love. These warnings are extremely common between parents and children, spouses, siblings (particularly identical twins), close friends, and lovers. Empathy, love, compassion and a sense of oneness mediate premonitions.
7. Although we cannot have premonitions on demand, we can invite them into our lives by setting the stage for them, so they are more likely to occur. We can become more premonition-prone.
8. The most effective way to become more premonition prone is to develop a discipline wherein we quiet our mind and attend to the subtle messages from within and without -- through meditation, contemplation, immersion in nature, or just "getting quiet." Courting mystery also helps. As Rumi said, "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."
9. Keep a dream diary, in which you record your dreams on waking. This makes premonitions more likely to occur and insures that they will be remembered.
10. Premonitions are an indicator of the soul and a bridge to the transcendent. Their value goes beyond their practical benefit of warning us of upcoming dangers. They reveal the presence of a timeless aspect of our consciousness, and therefore point like an arrow to an immortal, eternal aspect of who we are.
©2009 Larry Dossey, M.D., author of The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives
Author Bio
Larry Dossey, M.D., author of The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives, is a leader in bringing scientific understanding to spirituality, and rigorous proof to alternative medicine. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Healing Words, the first serious look at how prayer affects healing. He has been featured several times by Oprah -- her TV show, radio show, and magazine -- and is an international advocate for the role of the mind in health and the role of spirituality in healthcare. He lives in New Mexico.