Friday, January 16, 2009

the change your life challenge by Brook Noel

Being a new year and all, I was definitely in the mood for some life changing events no matter how small they may appear to be at first.

I enjoyed this book because of the way it's set up; the Mini-Makeovers are totally independent of each other...just find what interests you the most and start there. No need to go from beginning to end. Another thing about the book I enjoyed were were the "Take a Step Forward" exercises. They helped me out a lot as they provided a "hands-on" learning approach. It's always a good thing if you can actually try out what it is you're reading about.

I tend to be a pack rat and find it hard to get rid of things, things that I don't even need anymore so obviously the first page I turned to was the part that talks about "The True Cost of Clutter" to get immediate help. Some of the exercises you're supposed to do actually really help.

"The Five-Minute Relationship Miracle" also was an eye-0pener for me because I am always so busy and doing everything at a fast pace. Do you know what the difference is between hearing and listening?

There are so many other good parts I could go on and on but I guess you'll just have to check it out for yourself.

1 comment:


Not a bad subject line for a book.